iOS & iPadOS

Local Authenticator

(create and use passkeys from the local device)

External Authenticator

(create and use passkeys from another device)



The platform authenticators in iOS 16+ and iPadOS 16+ have the following capabilities:

  • creating and using passkeys that are backed up to iCloud Keychain
  • creating and using passkeys on/from another device, such as:
  • using a passkey from the local iOS or iPadOS device to sign into services on another device (such as a laptop or desktop), using FIDO Cross-Device Authentication

1 On iOS and iPadOS, user verification methods (device PIN, biometric, etc) must already be configured on the security key prior to credential creation

Platform Notes

Cross-Device Authentication

iOS and iPadOS support both client and authenticator roles for Cross-Device Authentication (CDA).

iOS and iPadOS devices (as authenticators) do not support persistent linking for Cross-Device Authentication. When an authenticator is not persistently linked, a QR code must be scanned on every use.

Legacy Credentials

WebAuthn credentials created using the platform authenticator in iOS/iPadOS 15 and earlier will not not be converted to passkeys but will remain available for the lifetime of the device.

To replace a legacy platform credential with a passkey, start a credential registration ceremony and pass the same user handle ( in the request. iOS/iPadOS will overwrite the legacy credential with a new passkey that will be backed up to iCloud Keychain.

User Verification Behavior

When a user tries to interact with a passkey on iOS or iPadOS, an available screen unlock method is used for user verification. Users can configure a passcode and Touch ID or Face ID as their screen unlock.

Both passkey creation and authentication ask for Touch ID or Face ID if one is configured, but fallback to a passcode if they are not. iOS asks the user to configure a passcode (and Touch ID or Face ID) if not yet set up.

Safari on iOS / iPadOS 17

  • When Touch ID or Face ID are not configured, but a passcode is configured on iOS:
    • The behavior with both userVerification='required' and userVerification='preferred' are the same: iOS asks for tapping on a “Confirmation” button, then a passcode for both passkey creation and authentication. Since they fail locally if user verification fails, the server can always expect the UV flag to be true.
    • Calling PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable() always returns true.
  • When a passcode is not configured on iOS:
    • The behavior with both userVerification='required' and userVerification='preferred' are the same: User verification fails, iOS asks the user to set up a passcode and then Touch ID or Face ID for both passkey creation and authentication. Since the failure happens locally, the server can expect at least a passcode is already configured and the UV flag to be true.
    • Calling PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable() always returns true.
